OCC is the abbreviation of organic cotton coil, by using the organic cotton as wick, occ coils are designed to last longer, taste better, and produce more clouds of vapor than old coil system. There are many occ coil brands on the market now, most of them are used for sub-ohm tanks, because it gives [...]

Justfog Q16 Clearomizer OEM Factory China Shenzhen Wholesale
Vopetech2019-05-31T15:41:38+08:00As we look back the development history of electronic cigarette clearomizer, there are some representative models in every important step, from the beginning the disposable cartomizer type to the first top clearomizer CE4, then the updated version CE5, CE6, then the tank clearomizers T2, Vivi Nava, 1453 clearomizer, then the bottom coil clearomizer, such as [...]

Justfog Q14 Clearomizer OEM Factory China Shenzhen Wholesale
Vopetech2019-05-31T18:42:41+08:00To solve the burning taste and the inconvenient usage of top coil clearomizer that you need to put the clearomizer up and down to wet the coil every several smoking, bottom coil clearomizer is invented and becomes the popular vaporizer on the market. But as long as we use the bottom clearomizer, we have found [...]

Justfog C14 Clearomizer OEM factory China Shenzhen Wholesale
Vopetech2019-05-31T17:09:54+08:00Justfog 1453 Clearomizer has been wellknown by vapers as time goes by, at the same time, the weakness of top coil clearomizers are realised by vapers, that is you have to drop you clearomizer up and down to make the coil on the top soaked by liquid to avoid burnt taste time by time. In [...]

Justfog 1453 Coil Cylinder OEM Factory China Shenzhen Wholesale
Vopetech2019-05-31T17:10:28+08:00Justfog 1453 coil, the full name is Justfog 1453 clearomizer replacement coil cylinder, customer normally call it 1453 coil, because originally it is a core part of 1453 clearomizer when 1453 clearomizer was launched in 2014, like the heart of a human, so its main purpose is used as replacement coil head of 1453 clearomizer, [...]

Justfog 1453 Clearomizer Hakamizer Volimizer Janty Twisp Clearo
Vopetech2019-05-31T17:10:35+08:00Wellknown as one of the best and classic electronic cigarette top coil clearomizer, Justfog 1453 clearomizer is updated from the maxi clearomizer, which was a e cigarette top clearomizer's revolustion and made a great success in year 2013. It's performance is better than CE4, CE5, T2, H2, Vivi Nova those voporizers. Till today although thousand [...]